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Showing posts from February, 2014

Cyclic Climate Change and How We Know Excess Carbon is Going to FSU

These are extracted from responses I posted on reddit. Context Question in Thread:  " To me, as someone who has no real opinions on the matter (I don't know the facts so I refuse to form an opinion), all this article tells me is that 2013, 2006, and 2003 were above average in mean temperature for the past 100 years. What it doesn't say is that the global mean temperature has been steadily increasing over the past century or so, and doesn't give a reason why we know there wasn't a trend of global cooling from, say, 1700-1900, before we were records were kept or kept reliably. I'm not saying those things aren't said elsewhere, just that this article is useless and does nothing to prove global warming is real. No one disputes that the climate changes, just some think it's supposed to, and that it goes in cycles." Cycles related to climate change, and why we should be worried  here  is a long term graph of carbon emissions over the past 800,000...