Checking this one out, since it is Google, and Google tends to pwn at everything. For now here is a link to my old blog
So, as a Sociology major I have (perhaps inevitably) come across people who have voiced their opinions on why sociology is a crock, convoluted, an unacceptable method for conducting science, and not a valid (impractical) study. I hope to address these issues and give a thorough defense of my field, for (obviously) if I had no defense, I should not be a sociology major. I do completely welcome criticism and comments to what I write, and in fact I would love some. I thoroughly believe that the best analysis is derived from discussion and (logical) argumentation. I have put in bold the main points since I realize many of you probably do not want to read my god-knows-how-long argument. SO on with it. I guess I will address the different arguments I have come across one by one Sociology is not credible because it borrows from so many other fields . Indeed, Sociology is extremely interdisciplinary, but I think the complexity is what makes it so grand. We coul...
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